About the Magazine "5: Designing Media Ecology"

English | 日本語 | Back issues(既刊号) | Editorial formation(編集体制)
“5: Designing Media Ecology” is a small, handmade magazine exploring the fields of media and communication.
In Japan, and around the world, there are people striving to connect the ideas and practice of media and communication, rather than keeping them as separate fields of endeavor. Our goal has always been to create a place where these people can gather, connect with colleagues from around the world, and establish new fields of activity. For more information, please see the 5: Designing Media Ecology Manifesto.
“5" was launched as an independent magazine in 2014 by a group of volunteers led by researchers Shin Mizukoshi, Osamu Sakura, and Yoshitaka Mōri. The magazine has been produced and published with the help of many people, including the writers, and is distributed in-person at events, and by mail order. “5” completed its first phase with the publication of its 9th issue in 2018.
The original goals and activities of "5" serve as the foundation for the creation of INSTeM, which is the centerpiece for the second phase of our activities commencing in 2023. We remain firmly committed to publishing our content according to the guidelines of our founding manifesto, and look forward to your continued support for the new phase of "5" activities.
As with this website, the new phase of "5" will contain both Japanese and English articles (translated content may be subject to abbreviation). In addition to the print version, we also publish an electronic version (PDF version), which has the same content and layout as the print version.
How to Purchase "5: Designing Media Ecology”
Online mail order
Both the print and PDF editions are available for purchase from the INSTeM/Magazine 5 Online Shop. For the moment, printed editions are mailed to customers in Japan only. Please note that we ask that you bear the domestic shipping costs for the print version. PDF editions are available on digital distribution. Thank you for your understanding.
Direct Sales
Our members are available for in-person sales at conferences, symposiums, and workshops. Opportunities for direct sales at these events will be announced on our website.
The following bookstores carry "5".
Please note that available issues may vary depending on the bookstore.
・Kaneiri Museum Shop 6 (Sendai Mediatheque, Sendai City)
・B&B (Shimokitazawa, Tokyo)
・NADiff a/p/a/r/t (Ebisu, Tokyo)
・CAVA BOOKS (Demachi, Kyoto)
・Arkadia International Bookshop (Helsinki, Finland)
Current issues and available back numbers are available for purchase.
The print editions of [Phase 1] “5” No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, and No. 5 are sold out, but PDF versions are available for purchase at the INSTeM/Magazine 5 Online Shop.
雑誌『5: Designing Media Ecology』(ファイブ:デザイニング・メディア・エコロジー)について
『5: Designing Media Ecology』は、メディアとコミュニケーションをめぐる手づくりの小さな雑誌です。
日本にも世界にも、メディアとコミュニケーションをめぐる思想と実践を別々のことがらとしておくのではなく、たがいを結びつけようと励む人々がいる。そうした人々が集い、世界各地の仲間と結びついて、新しい領域を生みだしていくための場をつくりたい──『5』はそんな思いからつくられています。詳しくは『5: Designing Media Ecology』趣意書をご覧ください。
『5: Designing Media Ecology』の購入方法
印刷本、PDF版ともに、INSTeM/Magazine 5 Online Shopからご購入いただけます。
・NADiff a/p/a/r/t(東京・恵比寿)
・CAVA BOOKS(京都・出町)
・Arkadia International Bookshop(Helsinki, Finland)
【第1期】1号、3号、5号の印刷本は売り切れですので、INSTeM/Magazine 5 Online ShopにてPDF版をお求めください。
5 Designing Media Ecology 既刊・Back issues
[第1期・Phase 1]
(キャプションをクリックすると目次がご覧になれます/ Please click the captions for table of contents)

"5: Designing Media Ecology" Editorial formation
【Phase 2 / 第2期】
Editor-in-chief: Shin Mizukoshi
Editorial board: Osamu Sakura, Mariko Murata, Yoshitaka Mōri
Editorial office: Takako Matsui, Masako Miyata, Steve Jarvis
【Phase 1 / 第1期】
Editor-in-chief: Shin Mizukoshi
Editorial board: Osamu Sakura, Yoshitaka Mōri
Editorial office: Katsuaki Tanaka, Takako Matsui, Masako Miyata, Kim Jirik, Steve Jarvis
Editorial Support: Masaaki Ito, Setsuko Kamiya, Xueyan Liu, Brad Nguyen