What is INSTeM?


We want to do something positive in the space between academia and society --- that is why we founded INSTeM (Inter-field Network for Science, Technology, and Media Studies). Today's world is engulfed with problems, unfortunately, there is no magic bullet able to solve them all at once. That is why we think it is important to start with what is possible to do within our own spheres of influence. We can look at familiar landscapes from a new perspective, or find wonder in things we take for granted. It is precisely this kind of "knowledge massage" we are striving to achieve.

INSTeM will be uploading essays to our website, publish a magazine, hold community-based workshops and international seminars, etc. Thank you for your continued support.

Osamu Sakura, Director, Research Division, INSTeM

学問と社会の間の領域をなんとかしたい──そう思って、一般財団法人INSTeM (Inter-field Network for Science, Technology and Media Studies) を立ちあげました。今の世の中さまざまな問題が山積みですが、それらを一挙に解決する魔法の弾丸はありません。だからこそ、自分の身の回りで、できることから始めたい。見慣れた風景をちょっと新しい視点で見直したり、当たり前だと思っていることの中に不思議を見出したり。そういう、「知のマッサージ」を目指しています。


一般財団法人INSTeM 研究部ディレクター 佐倉統